Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why am I in veterinary ?

I have alway love animal and contact with nature and te fact that i grew up living in the country rounded by animal, trees, mauntains etc. encourage me to take this decision.
Until now the career is perfect, i lovit to much, i like the faculty, although be so far away. the people that i have mate are awesome and i hope they could be my friend ever.

1 comment:

  1. I have SP alway WF love animal and contact with nature and SP te fact that i grew up living in the country WW rounded by animal, trees, mauntains etc. encourage me to take this decision.
    Until now the career is perfect, i SP lovit to much, i like the faculty, although WW be so far away. the people that i have WW ?mate are awesome and i hope they could be my friend ?

    good although I must say it was too short...check the corrections
